For better speech quality and lower latency, upload reference audio via the create model endpoint. This method uses the Fish Audio SDK and provides a more streamlined approach.

Using the Fish Audio SDK

First, make sure you have the Fish Audio SDK installed. You can install it from GitHub or PyPI.

Example Usage

This example demonstrates two ways to use the Text-to-Speech API:

  1. Using a reference_id: This option uses a model that you’ve previously uploaded or chosen from the playground. Replace "MODEL_ID_UPLOADED_OR_CHOSEN_FROM_PLAYGROUND" with the actual model ID.

  2. Using reference audio: This option allows you to provide a reference audio file and its corresponding text directly in the request.

Make sure to replace "your_api_key" with your actual API key, and adjust the file paths as needed.

Raw WebSocket API Usage

The WebSocket API provides real-time, bidirectional communication for Text-to-Speech streaming. Here’s how the protocol works:

WebSocket Protocol

  1. Connection Endpoint:

    • URL: wss://
  2. Events:

    a. start - Initializes the TTS session:

      "event": "start",
      "request": {
        "text": "",  // Initial empty text
        "latency": "normal",  // "normal" or "balanced"
        "format": "opus",  // "opus", "mp3", or "wav"
        // Optional: Use prosody to control speech speed and volume
        "prosody": {
          "speed": 1.0,  // Speech speed (0.5-2.0)
          "volume": 0    // Volume adjustment in dB
        // Optional: Use reference audio instead of reference_id
        "references": [{
          "audio": "<binary_audio_data>",
          "text": "Reference text for the audio"

    b. text - Sends text chunks:

      "event": "text",
      "text": "Hello world " // Don't forget the space since all text is concatenated

    There is a text buffer on the server side. Only when this buffer reaches a certain size will an audio event be generated.

    Sending a stop event will force the buffer to be flushed, return an audio event, and end the session.

    c. audio - Receives audio data (server response):

      "event": "audio",
      "audio": "<binary_audio_data>",
      "time": 3.012 // Time taken in milliseconds

    d. stop - Ends the session:

      "event": "stop"

    e. flush - Flushes the text buffer: This immediately generates the audio and returns it, if text is too short, it may lead to under-quality audio.

      "event": "flush"

    f. finish - Ends the session (server side):

      "event": "finish",
      "reason": "stop" // or "error"

    g. log - Logs messages from the server if debug is true:

      "event": "log",
      "message": "Log message from server"
  3. Message Format: All messages use MessagePack encoding

Example Usage with OpenAI + MPV
import asyncio
import websockets
import ormsgpack
import subprocess
import shutil
from openai import AsyncOpenAI

aclient = AsyncOpenAI()

def is_installed(lib_name):
    """Check if a system command is available"""
    return shutil.which(lib_name) is not None

async def stream_audio(audio_stream):
    Stream audio data using mpv player
        audio_stream: Async iterator yielding audio chunks
    if not is_installed("mpv"):
        raise ValueError(
            "mpv not found, necessary to stream audio. "
            "Install instructions:"

    # Initialize mpv process for real-time audio playback
    mpv_process = subprocess.Popen(
        ["mpv", "--no-cache", "--no-terminal", "--", "fd://0"],

    async for chunk in audio_stream:
        if chunk:

    if mpv_process.stdin:

async def text_to_speech_stream(text_iterator):
    Stream text to speech using WebSocket API
        text_iterator: Async iterator yielding text chunks
    uri = "wss://"  # Updated URI

    async with websockets.connect(
        uri, extra_headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"}
    ) as websocket:
        # Send initial configuration
        await websocket.send(
                    "event": "start",
                    "request": {
                        "text": "",
                        "latency": "normal",
                        "format": "opus",
                        "reference_id": "MODEL_ID_UPLOADED_OR_CHOSEN_FROM_PLAYGROUND",
                    "debug": True,  # Added debug flag

        # Handle incoming audio data
        async def listen():
            while True:
                    message = await websocket.recv()
                    data = ormsgpack.unpackb(message)
                    if data["event"] == "audio":
                        yield data["audio"]
                except websockets.exceptions.ConnectionClosed:

        # Start audio streaming task
        listen_task = asyncio.create_task(stream_audio(listen()))

        # Stream text chunks
        async for text in text_iterator:
            if text:
                await websocket.send(ormsgpack.packb({"event": "text", "text": text}))

        # Send stop signal
        await websocket.send(ormsgpack.packb({"event": "stop"}))
        await listen_task

async def chat_completion(query):
    """Retrieve text from OpenAI and pass it to the text-to-speech function."""
    response = await
        messages=[{"role": "user", "content": query}],

    async def text_iterator():
        async for chunk in response:
            delta = chunk.choices[0].delta
            yield delta.content

    await text_to_speech_stream(text_iterator())  # Updated function name

# Main execution
if __name__ == "__main__":
    user_query = "Hello, tell me a very short story, including filler words, don't use * or #."

This example demonstrates:

  1. Real-time text streaming with WebSocket connection
  2. Handling audio chunks as they arrive
  3. Using MPV player for real-time audio playback
  4. Reference audio support for voice cloning
  5. Proper connection handling and cleanup

Make sure to install required dependencies:

pip install websockets ormsgpack openai

And install MPV player for audio playback (optional):

  • Linux: apt-get install mpv
  • macOS: brew install mpv
  • Windows: Download from